This is a secondary personal web site of MASUDA Kooiti.

The name of this site was so chosen because I wanted to have a gateway for communication about climate between experts and non-experts. I once started a blog in 2010, but it did not attract people, so I closed it.

Since then, I use this space to store materials for collaboration with colleagues.

My primary personal web site is .

I also have a blog , whose contents are mainly in Japanese, but occasionally in English.

Note on the former blog contents

The contents (in Japanese) of a blog which existed here in 2014 are moved to [an archive site].

ここにあったブログの内容は、 [アーカイブサイト] に移しました。

Updated: 2020-07-10
Maintained by MASUDA Kooiti (増田 耕一) (e-mail address /eメールアドレス )