Atmospheric data assimilation which accommodates weather
descriptions as observations of solar radiation
Evaluation of performance with a modern one-year case
天気記述を日射量としてとりこむ大気データ同化: 現代の1年の事例による性能評価
JpGU-AGU 2020 [M-IS28-P05]
Questions and answers
- [Q] Were tropical storms (including typhoons) reproduced by the assimilation?
- [A] Tropical storms are not well reproduced in our assimilation experiment,
though we did not mention in the poster because the cases seem to be too few.
One of the reason may be the fact that the spatial scale of tropical storms
is smaller than that of extratropical cyclones.
But, more likely reason is that the small ovarlap between the track of a tropical storm
and the area of main four islands of Japan where we assume availability of observations.
- [A (cont.)] Even if there is some overlap, just weather information does not seem
effective enough to reporduce the pattern of tropical storms.
Collecting many written documents of winds, Hirano was able to reconstruct
the track of a tropical cyclone
(See [An article in the JCDP site] (in Japanese)).
If this kind of information can be input to data assimilation,
it can probably reproduce a tropical cyclone.
Still there is difficulty that pre-modern description of winds are not standardized.
- [Q] Are such experiment as yours can be used to estimate
how dense the observations (weather descriptions) need to be
in order to reproduce each of various kinds of weather phenomena?
- [A] We cannot yet answer such questions,
but we make effort to become able to answer them.
2020-07-31 by MASUDA Kooiti